mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
ACCESSPA-ALLEGHENY | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-ALLENTOWN | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-ARIN | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-ASPIRE | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-BEAVER | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-BERKS | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-BLAIRBED | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-BSB | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-BUCKSLINK | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CAMSOM | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CANDO | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CARBONLEHI | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CENTRAL | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CENTRALSUS | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CHAIN | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CHESTCO | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CONOR | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-CONTACT | Access Pennsylvania Database Contacts |
ACCESSPA-DELCO | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-ILL | Access Pennsylvania Database ILL Contacts |
ACCESSPA-ISSUES | Access Pennsylvania Issues Committee |
ACCESSPA-LANLEB | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-LUZERNE | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-MCMARS | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-MIDWESTERN | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-NEIU | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-NEWS | Access Pennsylvania Database News |
ACCESSPA-PALS | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-PHILA | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-RD | Access Pennsylvania Regional Directors |
ACCESSPA-RIVERVIEW | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SCHUYLKILL | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SCI | Access PA SCI mailing list |
ACCESSPA-SCRANTON | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SENECA | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SHARE | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SHARENORTHWEST | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-SPIES | [no description available] |
ACCESSPA-TUSCARORA | [no description available] |
ASKHEREPA-ADMIN | Ask Here PA - Administration |
ASKHEREPA-STAFF | Ask Here PA - Staff |
CHAT-ADMIN | [no description available] |
CHAT-STAFF | [no description available] |
CSB2ECOSYSTEM | [no description available] |
DLC | Membership in the DLC mailing list is limited to District Library Consultants. |
E-Res_AdvisoryComm | [no description available] |
Evergreen_SMS_test_1 | HSLC Evergreen Support SMS Test 1 |
Evergreensms-test1 | [no description available] |
FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB | [no description available] |
GPP | HSLC Group Purchase Program |
HSLC-CONTACT | HSLC Member Contacts |
HSLC-CONTACTS | HSLC Primary Contacts |
HSLC-EVERGREEN | HSLC-EVERGREEN System Participants List |
Hslc_group_purchase_program | [no description available] |
HSLC_NST | [no description available] |
ISLANDORA-PROJECT | [no description available] |
NEXTREADS-SUBSCRIBER | NextReads Subscriber List |
OCL-EVENTS | [no description available] |
PA-DIGITAL | Membership is open to anyone interested in digital collections in Pennsylvania including, but not limited to, digitization funding, vendors, digital archives management systems, the Digital Public Library of America, standards, and metadata. |
PA-DOCEX | Pennsylvania Government Documents Exchange List |
PA-DPLA-Founders | DPLA Pennsylvania founding members |
PA-LIBTECH | Membership is open to anyone interested in the use of technology in Pennsylvania libraries. |
PA-NEWSPAPERS-ADVISORY-GROUP | [no description available] |
PA-TRUSTEE-TALK | [no description available] |
PAACADLIB | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Academic Libraries |
PADLC | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania District Library Centers |
Padli | [no description available] |
PAEdge | PAEdge Discussion List |
PAGOVDOC-L | Pennsylvania Government Documents Discussion List |
PALDI | PA Library Director�s Institute List |
PALIB-PR | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Libraries |
PAMAILALL | [no description available] |
PAMHHOSP | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mental Health Hospitals |
PAPD_POLICY | For discussion of PAPD Policy |
PAPHOTOS-DOCS-CONTACTS | Contacts for POWER Library PA Photos & Documents |
PAPLDIRECTOR | Pennsylvania Public Library Directors List |
PAPUBLIB | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Libraries |
PASPECLIB | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Special Libraries |
PASYS | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania System Libraries |
PAYOUTH | Office of Commonwealth Libraries: PA YOUTH |
PDELibraries | [no description available] |
POWERLibraryNews | [no description available] |
PSLAN | Pennsylvania School Library Advocates Network |
SCANPA-PROJECT | [no description available] |
SCHOOLS | [no description available] |
SHAREIT-ILLIAD | [no description available] |
SPARK-CAT | Membership is open to users of the SPARK ILS who are interested in cataloging. |
SPARK-CIRC | [no description available] |
SPARK-ILL | [no description available] |
SPARK-REPORTS | Reports mailing list. Q&A about SPARK Reports |
SPARK-TECH | Membership is open to technology administrators of the SPARK ILS. |
SPARK-USERS | Membership is open to users of the SPARK ILS. |
STATE-LIB-PAPD | [no description available] |
Test | [no description available] |
Test2 | [no description available] |
version 2.1.18 |